I admire people that have the ability to see the world differently and live outside of the norm. Our society is set up to encourage driving an automobile. I would argue this is one of the biggest mistakes our society has collectively made. If you begin to look for it you will find people living outside of what has become the standard for our society. Folks that for one reason or another have decided to do things differently. Even when the odds are stacked against them. When the design of our city actively discourages them. When we design our spaces for cars we don’t design them for people. The folks pictured in this project are deciding to live a different lifestyle. They may be trying to fight climate change. They may have lost a friend or family member to car violence. They may see that cars destroy cities. They may just realize it is a fun and efficient way to travel. They may just hate to find parking. They may have figured out the secret that riding a bike with the wind in your face powered by your own muscles is just fun.

Street photography is a tricky situation. I have debated this project for a long time. It has been established in the US that if you are in public space other folks can take pictures of you. This was established before the ubiquity of our cell phones. I am not entirely sure how I feel about this aspect. If you or someone you know is pictured in this project and would like to be removed please reach out!