Experimental Typography

Exploring typography in a physical space gave us a unique challenge and opportunity to use classic design principles in an unusual way. Our project explored form, sequencing, layout, and interaction through the interesting medium of insulation foam.

Many forms of low fidelity mock ups were completed to get a sense of what this project might feel like when completed. Yes, I had a terrible haircut.

Multiple versions of the letter 'A' made out of styrofoam insulation painted red spinning in and out of the wall headed up a staircase.
A red 3D A spinning in and out of a wall
Multiple versions of the letter 'A' made out of styrofoam insulation painted red spinning in and out of the wall headed up a staircase.

Final Installation

The project remained for a few years and eventually the college incorporated a similar instillation permanently with their logo outside the main campus building.

